Publications EcoTech
Publications ReducPol

Publications ReducPol

Les publications scientifiques permettent de diffuser des informations scientifiques et techniques, dans le respect très strict des clauses contractuelles de propriété intellectuelle, définies avec chaque partenaire.

Publications scientifiques récentes :

1. M. Bastianelli, V. de Rudnicki, S. Codis, X. Ribeyrolles and O. Naud. Two vegetation indicators from 2D ground Lidar scanner compared for predicting spraying deposits on grapevine. EFITA Congresss Montpellier Farnce July 2017. 

2. A Bakache, JP Douzals, E Cotteux, B Bonicelli, A Normand, A. Pugeaux and C Sinfort, 2017. Effect of formulation and spray application characteristics on the biological efficacy of a contact fungicide? 14Th Suprofruit workshop 10-12th May 2017, Hasselt, Belgium.

3. A Verges, S Codis, JF Bonicel, G Diouloufet, JP Douzals, J Magnier, P Montegano, X Ribeyrolles, B Ruelle, M Carra, X Delpuech and B Savajols. 2017. Sprayer's classification in viticulture according to their performance in terms of deposition and dose rate reduction potential. 14Th Suprofruit workshop 10-12th May 2017, Hasselt, Belgium.

4. M Carra, X Delpuech, S Codis, JP Douzals, P Montegano, B Ruelle, B Savajols, X Ribeyrolles and A Verges. 2017. Spray deposits from a recycling tunnel sprayer in vineyard; effects of the forward speed and the nozzle type. 14Th Suprofruit workshop 10-12th May 2017, Hasselt, Belgium.

5. E Cotteux, A Bakache, JP Douzals, A Normand C Sinfort and B Bonicelli. 2017. Assessment of aerial spray deposition on banana crop based on flight conditions. 14Th Suprofruit workshop 10-12th May 2017, Hasselt, Belgium.

6. JP Douzals, A Rousseau and M Bastianelli, 2017. Crop characterization by Lidar sensor in different French orchards: preliminary results at early stages. 14Th Suprofruit workshop 10-12th May 2017, Hasselt, Belgium.

7. C. Vernay, L. Ramos, JP Douzals, R. Goyal, JC Castaing and C Ligoure. 2016. Drop impact experiment as a model experiment to investigate the role of oil-in-water emulsions in controlling the drop size distribution of an agricultural spray. Atomization and Sprays, 26 (8), 827-851. DOI 1044–5110/16/$35.00

8. JP Douzals, M. Alheidary and C. Sinfort, 2016. Spray deposition in a wind tunnel: a kinetic approach of wind speed effects. Aspects of Applied Biology, 132, International Advances in Pesticide Application, 299-307.